May 05, 2008


Once again, the race started on a rainy Saturday where 10 teams of 2 set off from Pacific Colesium. Unlike previous Vancouver races in 2006 and 2007, this time, the race focused on Vancouver East area instead of the west.

The race literally took "lactose intolerant" to a new height where teams have to complete a Detour choosing between 2 litre of milk or 500 grams of plain yougrt. Then, a Merge forced the teams to work together to finish 1 bucket of ice cream. Other than that, teams were challenged to find their clue by digging through sands; in addition, they need to find their way in China Town between "Lost In Translation" and "Lost In Transaction."

A new twist "Roundabout" appeared in this race which teams have to map out their own route that worked best in their advantage to 2 different destinations. Then, they need to collect the clues from each location to figure out their way to the pit stop. "Roundabout" sure threw the teams into a loop and definitely tested the teams knowledge about the city. Of course, the new twists from the TV show, "U-Turn", appeared in this race as well, and teams were not hesitated of using it.

In the end, the underdog Bonnie and Brian fought their way and claimed the title of the winner of 2008 Vancouver race. And Garry and Tina, who almost gave up and wanted to quit the race due to a frustrating digging task, came close in second place. It definitely proves once again that the race has its infinite possibility. It is not the end for anyone until crossing the finish line!

One of the racers, Rebecca, has also done a recap about the race... feel free to read it from a racer's perspective!

Over all, I hope everyone had a great time despite the gag reflex feeling they may have when they try to run with all kinds of food in their stomach. It was not a easy race to produce but it was definitely another great success.

1st - John & Rebecca
2nd - Connie & Ken
3rd - Daniel & Jeffery
4th - Nora & Sean
5th - Jennifer & Sandra
6th - Jenny & Kristy
7th - Bonnie & Brian
8th - Garry & Tina
9th - Akina & James
10th - Nicole & Robert (U-Turned by Bonnie & Brian)
1st - Connie & Ken

2nd - Daniel & Jeffery
3rd - Nora & Sean
4th - Garry & Tina
5th - Jennifer & Sandra
6th - Bonnie & Brian
7th - John & Rebecca
8th - Jenny & Kristy
9th - Akina & James
10th - Nicole & Robert
1st - Bonnie & Brian

2nd - Garry & Tina
3rd - Connie & Ken
4th - Nora & Sean
5th - Akina & James
6th - John & Rebecca
7th - Jennifer & Sandra
8th - Daniel & Jeffery (Yielded by Connie & Ken)
9th - Jenny & Kristy
10th - Nicole & Robert

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